Using basic capabilities > Overview of using basic capabilities > History > Object history and property comparison > Searching object histories
Searching object histories
To display object histories
1 Click the View menu, and then click Object History.
The Object History pane is displayed. By default, only the Search by any or all of the Criteria Below section is expanded, which is not collapsible as the ones beneath it.
2 Enter your search criteria in the All or Part of the Name field. You can use the following search options:
Enter part of a diagram or definition name.
Use single or double quotation marks to find an exact match.
Click the Class of Object field and select to narrow the search by diagrams or definitions.
If you filter by diagrams or definitions, you can also click the Type of Object field to search for specific diagram or definition types.
3 To refine your search further, click the expand/collapse icon next to the names of these filters:
When was it Modified?
Why was it Modified? This is only enabled when the Rational Synergy Change integration is enabled.
Where was it Modified: You can select the workspace in which to search. This is only visible in a workspace enabled encyclopedia.
Search Context - the options in this filter work as follows:
All: No context restriction.
Selected Item: Records based on uniform select only are shown.
Selected Change Request: Only the history of the selected, active Change Request is shown. This option becomes enabled when Rational Synergy Change integration has been enabled.
4 Click Search.
The default number of records that can be returned by a single search is 10,000. If you want to change that number, click the Tools menu and select Session Options. Enter your new value in the MaxObjectHistoryRecords section. Click OK to save your changes and restart System Architect for them to take effect.
5 Use the Object History functions: see Working with object history.
See also
Object history and property comparison