Using basic capabilities > Overview of using basic capabilities > History > Object history and property comparison > Comparing properties
Comparing properties
The Property Comparison window displays diagram or definition properties with values.
If one version of a property has a value and the different version of the same property does not, the property without the value is shown as empty. Hidden properties are not shown and neither are properties that are not enabled in the encyclopedia's property configuration. For example, if you have not selected the INFORMIX property sets your encyclopedia, INFORMIX properties will not be shown when you run a comparison.
Note You can select an item that has been deleted only if History has been enabled for the current encyclopedia, but you cannot compare an item that has been deleted.
1 See Searching object histories to search for the diagrams or definitions you want to compare.
2 In the Object History list, select a single object or two objects to compare.
3 Click the Compare icon. In the Property Comparison window provide the following options.
Property Comparison tabs to view multiple comparisons in the same window.
Save: Click to save the Property Comparison content as a CSV, Text (TXT), or as a Microsoft Excel Workbook (XLS) file.
Print: Click to print Property Comparison content.
Show Only Differences/Show All Properties: Click to display only properties with differences, or to display all properties.
Click a column header to sort by that column, and click it again to change to ascending or descending order. You can drag-and-drop column headers to change their positions.
Differences are highlighted in red by default: see also Changing font color for differences.
The previous version of the object and workspace name is displayed.
See also
Comparing objects with previous workspaces
Object history and property comparison