Architecting and designing > Capgemini Integrated Architecture Framework (CG IAF) > Automated modeling assistance > Physical level helpers
Physical level helpers
In the following explanation of functionality, generic references are made here to various model artifacts, for specific artifacts please refer to the Physical level scenario and interaction diagram helper table.
At the Physical Level, in Scenario diagrams, Solution Alternatives are created, for example as below. Each Solution Alternative is drawn such that it ultimately decomposes (directly or indirectly) to a Physical Component, and where each Physical Component decomposes to a Logical Component.
Generic Physical Level Scenario diagram
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
Logical Components definitions form parts of Logical Contracts (Logical Level) and these relationships are modeled by using definitions rather than diagrammatically using line symbols.
If a particular Logical Component is drawn as a child of particular Physical Component then a relationship between two Physical Components can be determined by virtue of the relationship that exists between the two Logical Components through their relationship within a Logical Contract, this inferred relationship is modeled as a Physical Contract between the Physical Components.
The creation of these inferred relationships is automated and invoked by using helpers; a helper becomes available when a Scenario diagram is open.
Using a helper will create an Interaction Model diagram for the selected Solution Alternative onto which the Physical Components that participate in the Solution Alternative are added; inferred Physical Contract lines are then also added and defined. Note that should an Interaction Model already exist for the selected Solution Alternative then it will be re-used.
The table below shows the Scenario and Interaction Model diagrams for which helpers are available, note that there must at least one Solution Alternative present in the Scenario diagram for the helper to operate against.
Helpers are invoked from the Tools > IAF menu.
Physical level scenario and interaction diagram helper table
IAF aspect
Scenario diagram type name
Objects required to be modeled
Interaction model diagram type name
Objects generated
PB Scenario
Physical Business Component
Logical Business Component
LBC Contract
PBC Interaction Model
Physical Business Component
PBC Contract
PI Scenario
Physical BI Component
Logical BI Component
LBIC Contract
PI Interaction Model
Physical BI Component
PBIC Contract
Information System
PIS Scenario
Physical IS Component
Logical IS Component
LISC Contract
PISC Interaction Model
Physical IS Component
PISC Contract
Technology Infrastructure
PTI Scenario
Physical TI Component
Logical TI Component
LTIC Contract
PTIC Interaction Model
Physical TI Component
PTIC Contract
See also
Automated modeling assistance