Filter criteria (for example, "C*" = all diagrams starting with "C")
Wildcard search is case sensitive.
Use: Required
Data type: Long
Type of System Architect diagram that is being retrieved (for example, GTCATPROCESSFLOW or 89). See the DIAGRAMS.BAS file in the System Architect directory for a list of System Architect diagrams and their internal constant names and numbers.
The following returns all Gane & Sarson Diagrams beginning with "Pr"
Dim oCollectionofDiagrams As SAObjects Set oCollectionofDiagrams = oEncyclopedia.GetFilteredDiagrams("Pr*", GTDFDGS) Call oCollectionofDiagrams.ReadAll
The SAObjects collection will not be fully populated until the Complete flag for the collection is true. GetFilteredDiagrams should be used in conjunction with either ReadAll or IsMoreThan methods.