Extending product function with VBA > The System Architect object model > Object model classes > Encyclopedia class > Encyclopedia class: Methods > SetXML
Imports an .xml file into the encyclopedia.
Encyclopedia Object.SetXML(strXML, bFromFile, bValidate)
Encyclopedia Object
Use: Required
Data type: Object
Any instantiated Encyclopedia class
Use: Required
Data type: String
When bFromFile is set to True, then this is a valid .xml file name, from which System Architect is importing the XML code. When bFromFile is set to false, then this is the encyclopedia XML string.
Use: Required
Data type: Boolean
If True, then the method will import XML from the file named in the strXML parameter. If False, then the method will populate strXML with the encyclopedia XML string.
Use: Required
Data type: Boolean
If True then the xml string will be validated by the parser.
See also
Encyclopedia class: Methods