Extending product function with VBA > The System Architect object model > Object model classes > Definition class > Definition class: Methods > GetPropertyAsCollection
For reference-type properties, this method obtains a collection of objects such as Diagram or Definition for the referenced items.
They are opened for update if the Encyclopedia property OpenObjectsAsReadOnly is set to False.
The type of this Class is OfCollection.
Example script to list contents
Dim oc As OfCollection
Dim def as Definition
Dim def2 as Definition
Dim bOldRO as Boolean

' Remember old setting
bOldRO = sa2001.Encyclopedia.OpenObjectsAsReadOnly

' obtain def by id for instance
sa2001.Encyclopedia.OpenObjectsAsReadOnly = True ' set desired mode of access
Set def = sa2001.Encyclopedia.GetDefinitionById(100)
sa2001.Encyclopedia.OpenObjectsAsReadOnly = bOldRO ' restore old setting
set oc = def.GetPropertyAsCollection("Attributes")
For Each def2 in oc
debug.print def2.Name
Example script to store contents
Dim oc As OfCollection
Dim def as Definition
Dim bOldRO as Boolean

' Remember old setting
bOldRO = sa2001.Encyclopedia.OpenObjectsAsReadOnly

' obtain def by id for instance
sa2001.Encyclopedia.OpenObjectsAsReadOnly = False ' set desired mode of access
Set def = sa2001.Encyclopedia.GetDefinitionById(100)
sa2001.Encyclopedia.OpenObjectsAsReadOnly = bOldRO ' restore old setting
Set oc = objDef.GetPropertyAsCollection("itself")
oc.Add objDef
See also
Definition class: Methods