Integrating > Open Services for Lifecycle Collaboration (OSLC) > Configuring System Architect as a provider > Configuring the SA Rest Server using the Configuration tool
Configuring the SA Rest Server using the Configuration tool
Encyclopedias can be configured as resources for other products to consume. The Configuration tool maps encyclopedias and associated workspace to project areas that support OSLC linking.
Configuring System Architect repositories as resources require administrative privileges on those repositories.
1 Open the System Architect installation folder. By default, the folder is:
C:\Program Files\UNICOM Systems\System Architect Suite\System Architect
2 Locate and run SAOSLCProviderConfig.exe.
3 On the REST Server tab, complete the following fields that are used for SA Rest Service communication.
Hostname or IP
Type the name or IP address of the SA Rest Server.
Port Number
Type the port number associated with the SA Rest Server. The default is 8889.
SAXT Server Configuration
Optional. If you have an SAXT Server installed, type the URL to the SAXT homepage. The SAXT URL is used to open links to diagrams and definitions.
Authentication Type
Select Basic or Windows. This value is used when selecting your encyclopedia, the type selected is the authentication used by the SA Rest Service to access them.
User Name
Type the user name.
Type the associated password.
4 On the Data Provider tab, add or remove encyclopedias used for providing resources through OSLC linking. To add an encyclopedia as a resource, click ADD and complete the following fields on Encyclopedia Details dialog. Repeat this step for each encyclopedia that you want to configure.
SQL Server
Select the name of a SQL Server instance name.
Select the encyclopedia name.
Select the workspace name. If an encyclopedia does not contain a workspace, this field is disabled.
5 Optional. Configure the Consumer Keys used for access through OSLC linking. On the Consumer Keys tab, add, edit, or remove Consumer Key settings. Many IBM Rational products such as IBM Rational Team Concert and Rational Design Manager automatically create a Consumer Key when you create the Friend relationship. However, other products that support OSLC might require you to create a Consumer Key manually.
To add a Consumer Key, click ADD and complete these fields:
Consumer Name
Name to identify the server that uses this key.
Consumer Key
Any unique text.
Consumer Secret
Password text to authenticate with Consumer Key.
Optional. Enter the Jazz user ID. This field is required only for tools pulling data out of System Architectthrough TRS (LQE).
6 Optional. Configure the Advanced settings. On the Advanced tab, specify the SA Rest temporary folder, enable logging, and set the ELM/CLM Global Configuration user name and password if OSLC Global Configurations are in use.
Temp Folder
The folder used to store all temporary files created by the SA Rest service. This folder must allow Read/Write to SA Rest Service startup account.
Enable Logging
Enable SA Rest logging, all messages will be written to the Log Path.
Global Configuration
Required if OSLC Global Configurations are used by this instance of SA Rest.
User Name
A valid ELM/CLM Global Configuration user name.
ELM/CLM Global Configuration user name’s password.
7 Click File > Save Configuration to save your data and exit the tool.
8 Click Tools > Start Service.
9 Optional. Tools > Test Configuration to run tests on your data and provide a report detailing the results.
See also
Configuring System Architect as a provider