Integrating > Open Services for Lifecycle Collaboration (OSLC) > Configuring System Architect as a provider
Configuring System Architect as a provider
System Architect can provide resources for linking with products that support the Open Services for Lifecycle Collaboration (OSLC) protocol.
You need to configure the System Architect REST (hereafter SA Rest) Server to map with encyclopedias that you want to access. Creating this connection allow you to import diagrams from an encyclopedia. There are several files that contain configuration information needed to access encyclopedias. You can update these files manually or use the Configuration tool for the SA Rest Server. In either case, you must have administrator privileges for the encyclopedias being accessed to configure the SA Rest Server.
See also
Configuring the SA Rest Server using the Configuration tool
Configuring the SA Rest Service to connect to a SQL server on a different computer
Associating System Architect encyclopedias with project areas for linking
Linking to IBM Rational resource providers
Configuring the SA Rest Service to support SSL connections
Open Services for Lifecycle Collaboration (OSLC)