Integrating > Open Services for Lifecycle Collaboration (OSLC) > Configuring System Architect as a provider > Configuring the SA Rest Service to connect to a SQL server on a different computer
Configuring the SA Rest Service to connect to a SQL server on a different computer
If your SA Rest Service is running on a separate computer from your SQL server, there are additional configuration steps required. You can either use Basic Authentication and configure SA Rest to use an SQL Authenticated user, or to use Windows Authentication you can change the Log On user in the SARest Service Properties, and set a configuration option to use that Service Account for DB connection.
Option 1. Basic Authentication with SQL User
For this option, you must enable Basic Authentication, and setup an SQL user that has access to the encyclopedia, including the catalog if it is an Enterprise encyclopedia.
There are two ways to do this – you can either use the SA Rest Configuration tool or you can edit the configuration file manually.
Using the SA Rest Configuration tool
1 Open the System Architect installation folder. By default, the folder is:
C:\Program Files\UNICOM Systems\System Architect Suite\System Architect
2 Locate and run file SAOSLCProviderConfig.exe.
3 On the Rest Server Config tab, use the Authentication Type drop-down to select Basic.
4 Enter your SQL user and password in the appropriate fields.
5 Go to File > Save Configuration. If prompted, restart the SA Rest Service.
Editing the configuration file manually
1 Open the System Architect installation folder. By default, the folder is:
C:\Program Files\UNICOM Systems\System Architect Suite\System Architect
2 Locate and edit file SARESTWebService.exe.config.
3 Set key BasicAuthentication to true.
4 Enter your SQL user and password in the connection Strings next to keys DBUser and DBPassword respectively.
5 Save the file. If the SA Rest Service is running, restart it for the changes to take effect.
Option 2. Windows Authentication with Service Account
For this option, you must enable Windows Authentication, and setup a Windows user that has access to the encyclopedia, including the catalog if it is an Enterprise encyclopedia.
To do this you must edit both the SA Rest Configuration file and the Windows Service Properties.
Editing the configuration file
1 Open the System Architect installation folder. By default, the folder is:
C:\Program Files\UNICOM Systems\System Architect Suite\System Architect
2 Locate and edit file SARESTWebService.exe.config.
3 Set key BasicAuthentication to false.
4 The connection Strings next to keys DBUser and DBPassword should be empty.
5 Set key UseServiceLogin to Y.
6 Save the file.
Editing the SA Rest Service “Log On” setting
1 Open the Windows Services viewer (under Windows, select Start > Run > services.msc).
2 Find UNICOM Systems System Architect Rest Service, right-click, and then open Properties.
3 Click the Log On tab.
4 Click the option for This Account, enter the Windows user and password that has access to the Database server.
5 Close Properties. Start or Restart the service for the changes to take effect.
See also
Configuring System Architect as a provider