Integrating > Open Services for Lifecycle Collaboration (OSLC) > Configuring System Architect as a provider > Configuring the SA Rest Service to support SSL connections
Configuring the SA Rest Service to support SSL connections
The SA Rest Service can be configured to support SSL calls. To do so, you must have a valid certificate installed on the machine hosting the SA Rest Service. The certificate can be 3rd party-signed or self-signed depending on your needs.
A quickstart method of getting a self-signed certificate is available if you have Microsoft IIS installed, in which case you can:
1 Open the IIS Manager.
2 Select the server name in the left panel.
3 In the center pane, open Server Certificates.
4 In the right pane, choose Create Self Signed Certificate.
5 Specify an easy-to-remember name to be selected in the SA Rest Configuration tool later.
To configure SA Rest to use the certificate and set the port, you have two options to choose from – use the SA Rest Configuration tool or edit the configuration file manually.
Using the SA Rest Configuration tool:
1 Open the System Architect installation folder. By default, the folder is: C:\Program Files\UNICOM Systems\System Architect Suite\System Architect.
Run SAOSLCProviderConfig.exe.
Note This is also available from the Start menu in Windows as SA Rest Configuration Wizard.
2 On the Rest Server Config tab, click the Enable HTTPS checkbox.
3 Click the Configure button. The HTTPS Configuration Details window will open.
4 Set Port to your desired HTTPS port – the default is 8443.
5 Select the Certificate Store and Certificate Name to use for the HTTPS connection.
6 Click Apply.
7 Go to File > Save Configuration. If prompted, restart the SA Rest Service.
Editing the configuration file manually
1 Locate and edit configuration file SARESTWebService.exe.config that is located in the System Architect installation directory.
2 Set value EnableSSL to true.
3 Set SSLPort to your desired HTTPS port.
4 Enter the correct values for your certificateStore, certificateStoreName, certificateHash, and certificateName.
5 Save the file. If the SA Rest Service is running, restart it for the changes to take effect.
See also
Configuring System Architect as a provider