Reporting > Querying the repository with 3rd-party tools > OLE DB interface
OLE DB interface
System Architect provides an OLE DB provider that provides a virtual flattened set of System Architect tables that you might recognize as they resemble the metamodel in System Architect. With the OLE DB provider, you can use third-party tools such as Crystal Reports or Excel to access the repository information and run SQL queries against it.
The steps to use the interface vary depending upon the third-party tool you use to access the System Architect repository by its OLE DB provider. The following steps use Microsoft Excel:
1 Open System Architect, and then open the encyclopedia that contains the information you want to access.
2 Open Microsoft Excel, and then create a new worksheet.
3 Click Data > Import External Data > Import Data.
4 In the Select Data Source dialog, click New Source.
5 In the Data Connection Wizard, select Other/Advanced in the What kind of data source would you like to connect to? field, and then click Next.
6 In the Data Link Properties dialog, click System Architect Provider for OLE DB, and click Next.
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
7 Specify a name and description for the data source, and then click Finish.
8 Select the .odc data source, and then click OK. The Import Data dialog appears, to import the data into the existing Excel worksheet. Click OK.
See also
Querying the repository with 3rd-party tools