Reporting > Native reporting system > How to edit or add a report > Overview of adding and editing reports
Overview of adding and editing reports
A set of pre-written reports that you can run without editing are provided with System Architect. By default, when you open the Report Generator from the main menu, you see a set of reports that are part of the report definition file, REPORTS.RPT.
Add Report dialog
Add a new report to the current report definition file. You must provide a name for the report, and select the criteria you want to report on.
To open the Add Report dialog
In the Reports dialog with or without a list of reports displayed, click Add.
Edit <report name> dialog
Change a report. You can also use the Duplicate button (see below) to make a copy of an existing report.
Duplicate button
Copy a report, adding “.1” (or “.2, or “.3”, and so on) to the end of the name.
Opening the Edit <report name> dialog
You can accept the default Report Editor, or you can specify a different one: click Report > Edit Report or Report > Text Edit Report.
Any report can be edited using the Text Editor, even if the report content does not mandate its use.
Selecting a report editor
In the Reports dialog, select a report from the list, and then click Edit.
If a warning dialog displays (see Use Text Editor dialog), click Use Text Editor.
If you prefer to use a third-party text editor such as Microsoft Notepad or Microsoft Wordpad, open the report definition (.RPT) file you want to edit in that application.
Related topics
Deleting a report
Duplicate button
Methods for adding and editing reports
Running a report
Using the Text Editor to edit or add a report
Parent topic
How to edit or add a report