After you start the SA Publisher, you can create a new template.
To create a new template
1 On the New tab in the Create template file specify an XML template file.
2 Specify the folder where the System Architect reports are that will be used to create the XML template. This is mandatory - you cannot work on building an XML file without accessing reports.
Note The reports that you reference must be specially modified to work with System Architect Publisher. SA Publisher provides a directory of System Architect reports that have already been modified for use. They are located in the C:\Program Files (x86)\UNICOM Systems\System Architect Suite\System Architect\SAPublisher\Reports directory. Note that you can change the folder that is being pointed at for reports later in the design process.
3 Click OK to enter the System Architect Publisher main design interface.
You have configured the template and now you can select reports to use with the System Architect.