Tutorials > Report generation and publishing > Module 2: Create a report > Lesson 2.3: Select which diagram properties to print
Lesson 2.3: Select which diagram properties to print
Specify the properties that you want to get values for, and specify that you want them to print in every diagram.
You specified that the report will query Entity Relation diagrams in the encyclopedia. At every level of the metamodel, you can specify properties to include in the report (or print). Available properties can be viewed by clicking Properties to Print at each level.
To choose which diagram properties to print
1 Click Properties to Print in the Add Report dialog as shown below:
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
The Select Diagram Properties to Print dialog opens. The properties displayed in the left-hand box are properties contained in the Diagram definition.
2 From the Available Properties list, select Name > Add.
3 Select Name in the Properties to Print list to activate the "Name" formatting property. Type Diagram Name in the Label property box.
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
4 Click OK.
Lesson 2.4: Include diagram symbols in the report
See also
Module 2: Create a report