Create a new report to display Entity Relation diagrams and their symbols, attributes, and element types.
Note This an advanced topic; you do not need to complete this module to continue with the tutorial.
The report that you create looks at every Entity Relation diagram in the current encyclopedia. The report retrieves and prints the names of all entity symbols within the Entity Relation diagrams, and retrieves each entity symbol definition. Within that definition, the report also retrieves and prints the attributes and the data element type of those attributes.
To build your own report, knowledge of the encyclopedia metamodel is helpful. Included, is a visual representation of how a report queries and accesses the different parts of the encyclopedia for each step in the tutorial.
Learning objectives
After completing the lessons in this module you will know how to:
•create a report file
•select the diagram type
•select which diagram properties to print
•include diagram symbols in the report
•limit the symbols in the report to entities
•select the definition type properties and entities
•include data elements by querying “is a” relationships
•generate a final report.
Time required
This module should take approximately 20 minutes to complete.