Tutorials > Report generation and publishing > Module 2: Create a report > Lesson 2.6: Select the definition type properties and entities
Lesson 2.6: Select the definition type properties and entities
To get the definition of a symbol placed underneath the symbol type
1 Use the scroll bar to make the next level of the report visible.
2 Click on the drop-down list box in the Add Report dialog. Notice that there are a number of relationship types to choose from. The only way to know the correct one to choose is by looking at and understanding the metamodel diagram below. Notice in the metamodel diagram, that Symbol is defined by Symbol Definition.
3 Select defined by Definitions in the third list, as shown below.
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
Select properties of this definition type
1 Click Where... on the defined by Definitions line. Notice how the only diagram type available is an Entity Relation diagram, and it is already selected (since by default all diagram types are selected).
2 Click OK to close this dialog.
3 Click Properties to Print, on the defined by Definitions line, to open the Select Properties to Print dialog.
4 Select Name > Add from the Available Properties list. Name will be sent over to the Properties to Print list.
5 Select Name in the Properties to Print list to activate the "Name" formatting property field at the bottom of the dialog. Type Entity Name in the Label property box.
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
6 Click OK to close the Select Definition Properties to Print dialog.
Selecting Entity definition properties
You now want to query the attributes that belong to Entity definitions. You must add additional levels to our query.
1 Use the scroll bar to make the next level of the report visible.
2 Click the drop-down list in the Add Report dialog. Select use Definitions.
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
Notice that in the metamodel diagram to the right, below, a symbol definition uses the attribute definition
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
3 In the Add Report dialog, click Where... located on the use Definitions line. The Select Symbol Where dialog appears.
4 Deselect the All Types checkbox and select Attribute in the or Type(s) = list box as shown below.
Select Definitions Where dialog
5 Click OK to close the dialog.
6 Click Properties to Print for the use Definitions level.
7 In the Available Properties list, select Name, hold down CTRL on your keyboard and also select PK <-- Key (primary key).
8 Click Add to place the properties in the Properties to Print list.
9 Select Name in the Properties to Print list to activate the "Name" formatting property.
10 Type Attribute Name in the Label property box.
11 Click OK to close the Select Definition Properties to Print dialog.
Lesson 2.7: Include data elements by querying “is a” relationships
See also
Module 2: Create a report