Tutorials > Report generation and publishing > Module 3: Publish an HTML report > Lesson 3.2: Specify a template home page
Lesson 3.2: Specify a template home page
Verify that the HTML Generator is pointing at the correct Template Home Page.
To select the template homepage
Point the Template Home Page to <C>:\Program Files\UNICOM Systems\System Architect Suite\System Architect\SAHTML\Template\default.htm (Where <C>:\Program Files\UNICOM Systems\System Architect Suite\System Architect is your System Architect program path).
If the HTML Generator has been installed to a different path, then the template path might be elsewhere. When the HTML Generator is first run, the Template path is found. To re-find the Template path:
Select the Advanced tab and click Default. This resets the Template path correctly.
Note As shipped, the HTML Generator comes with a basic outline template, which has been designed so that you can customize it. The template consists of the constant pages of the website (identified by the extension .HTM) and also the outline definitions of several of the variable (generated) pages (identified by the extension .INC). One of the constant pages must be chosen as the home page. In this example it is Default.HTM. The folder which contains all of the constant pages and the home page is known as the Template Path.
Lesson 3.3: Specify a destination home page
See also
Module 3: Publish an HTML report