Architecting and designing > Business Process Analysis (BPA) > Simulation of Process Models > Simulation tutorials > Simulation of BPMN Business Process Flows > Steps to build model > 1. Configuring the encyclopedia for simulation of BPMN diagrams
1. Configuring the encyclopedia for simulation of BPMN diagrams
In this tutorial, we will build and simulate a BPMN Business Process model. We will send tokens of data through the business process model – in our case our ‘token’ will be a Reservation. For BPMN Business Process diagrams, a ‘token’ is represented by a UML object – an instance of a class. Therefore to simulate a BPMN Business Process diagram, you need to have both BPMN and UML turned on for the encyclopedia.
The Tutorial encyclopedia
You normally begin working with System Architect by simply starting the tool and creating a new encyclopedia, or opening one that someone else has created. For this tutorial however, we will open a pre-built encyclopedia that is shipped with the tool, called Tutorial, that already has been populated with some diagrams and definitions for a Hotel Reservation System. We will build upon this information.
Because it is shipped with the tool in the form of a database, the Tutorial encyclopedia must first be attached to your server before you begin work. Attaching a tutorial encyclopedia to a database is performed using System Architect’s Startup Wizard; you can also use System Architect Encyclopedia Manager (SAEM), or Microsoft’s Enterprise Manager tool.
Start System Architect
Select Start > All Programs > UNICOM Systems > System Architect.
Open the Tutorial encyclopedia
If you have installed the product using the default settings of the Startup Wizard, you already have the Tutorial encyclopedia attached to your local server.
1 Check to see if you already have the Tutorial encyclopedia open – look in the title bar of System Architect and see if the word (Tutorial) appears. If so, you are ready to begin the tutorial. For the first tutorial step, skip to Configuring the encyclopedia for simulation of BPMN diagrams.
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
If so, you are ready to begin the tutorial. For the first tutorial step, skip to Configuring the encyclopedia for simulation of BPMN diagrams.
2 If you do not have the Tutorial encyclopedia open, you must open it. In System Architect, select File > Open Encyclopedia. In the Open Encyclopedia dialog, select the Existing tab.
3 In the Connection property, choose your local server from the drop-down list. This will provide you with a list of encyclopedias that are connected to your server. The Connection acts as a pointer between the server and the encyclopedia (database) that you are opening/creating.
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
4 Select Tutorial in the Encyclopedias on connection property, and then select OK. You can toggle ‘on’ Open this encyclopedia at start up. This will make this encyclopedia the default encyclopedia that will automatically open each time you start System Architect.
5 If you do not see the Tutorial encyclopedia, the encyclopedia has not been attached to your server. You will need to attach the Tutorial.mdf file to your server before proceeding. You can run Help > Startup Wizard to do so. Within the Startup Wizard, you will be provided with an opportunity to attach the Tutorial encyclopedia to your server. Alternatively, you can use System Architect Encyclopedia Manager (SAEM) to attach the encyclopedia to your server.
Configuring the encyclopedia for simulation of BPMN diagrams
1 Select Tools > Customize Method Support > Encyclopedia Configuration. In the System Architect Property Configuration dialog, make sure that UML, BPMN, and Simulation are toggled ‘on’.
2 If any changes had to be made, click OK to save the changes made to the System Architect Property Configuration dialog, and reopen the encyclopedia for the changes to be invoked.
Next topic
2. Examine the Reservation Process Flow diagram
Parent topic
Steps to build model