Architecting and designing > MODAF > Configuring encyclopedias for MODAF modeling
Configuring encyclopedias for MODAF modeling
To support the Ministry of Defence Architecture Framework (MODAF) modeling, you must customize a new or existing project encyclopedia by configuring the encyclopedia properties.
You must first create a project encyclopedia. For more information, see the topics in the online help.
To configure an encyclopedia for MODAF modeling:
1 Click Tools > Customize Method Support > Encyclopedia Configuration.
2 To enable IDEF diagrams, in the System Architect Encyclopedia Configuration dialog box, in the Business Modeling section, select IDEF0 and IDEF3.
3 In the Frameworks list, select MODAF, and then click Advanced.
4 If Struct as Entity data choice is not in the Select Property Sets list, select Struct as Entity data choice, and then click Add.
5 Click OK; then click OK again.
You can change the Property Configuration at any time by clicking Tools > Customize Method Support > Encyclopedia Configuration. After making changes, you must reopen the encyclopedia for the changes to take effect.
See also