Architecting and designing > MODAF > Creating Systems View products > Specifying SV-1 resource interactions on diagrams for MODAF > Specifying SV-1 Resource Hierarchy
Specifying SV-1 Resource Hierarchy
You can specify the hierarchical relationship of resources to one another on the SV-1 Resource Hierarchy diagram.
The SV-1 Resource Hierarchy diagram is a “hierarchical” type diagram, which features special automatic connection features when you draw symbols.
1 To connect one symbol to another symbol, do this:
Place one symbol on the diagram.
Place a second symbol on the diagram, and then drag it under the first symbol until a dashed line appears between the two.
2 To automatically map an SV-1 Resource Interaction Spec diagram to an SV-1 Resource Hierarchy diagram, do this:
Open the SV-1 Resource Interaction diagram and have it in focus.
Click Tools > MODAF Utilities > Convert SV-1 Resource Interaction Spec. to SV-1 Resource Hierarchy.
3 To automatically map some or all of the diagram to a flattened structure, with hierarchy described as symbols drawn in other symbols, do this:
Open the SV-1 Resource Hierarchy diagram and have it in focus.
Click Tools > MODAF Utilities > Convert SV-1 Resource Hierarchy to SV-1 Resource Interaction Spec.
The following image shows an example of a Resource Hierarchy diagram.
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
The Resources that you draw on an SV-1 Resource Hierarchy diagram are considered concrete resources. When you draw concrete resources, create and specify a general resource (keyed by Physical Asset) for each one.
See also
Specifying SV-1 resource interactions on diagrams for MODAF