Architecting and designing > MODAF > Creating Systems View products > Creating SV-2 Systems Communications Description products for MODAF > Drawing and connecting ports on SV-2 UML diagrams for MODAF
Drawing and connecting ports on SV-2 UML diagrams for MODAF
You can model system ports on Systems Communication Description diagrams. This topic describes how to model symbols on UML diagrams.
Prerequisite The method of modeling SV-02 by using UML class diagrams is deprecated in the current version of the MODAF modeling feature. If you previously created SV-02 diagrams using UML class diagrams, existing data can remain in that form. To create new or work with existing UML diagrams to model the SV-02, you must first enable UML in the encyclopedia.
1 Select the Port symbol on the toolbar and draw it on a class symbol of stereotype <<System Resource>>.
The Port symbol only connects to class symbols drawn on the diagram. You cannot draw one in the diagram whitespace.
2 Connect Ports to other Ports on the diagram using the Port Link line symbol.
3 To specify the <<System Port Connection>> stereotype for a Connection line, open the definition dialog box of the Port Link line; then in the Stereotype property, select System Port Connection.
4 To add a comment to a Port or Port Link line, open the definition dialog box for Port symbol; then on the Symbol tab, type a comment in the Graphic Comment property.
See also
Creating SV-2 Systems Communications Description products for MODAF