Architecting and designing > MODAF > Creating technical architecture views products > TV-1 Technical Architecture Profile
TV-1 Technical Architecture Profile
The technical component of an architecture is the set of rules that governs system implementation and operation.
In most cases, especially in describing architectures with less than a Service-wide scope, “building” a technical architecture view really will consist of identifying the applicable portions of existing technical guidance documentation, tailoring those portions as needed in accordance in the latitude allowed, and filling in any gaps.
This product references the technical standards that apply to the architecture and how they need to be, or have been, implemented. The profile is time-phased to facilitate a structured, disciplined process of system development and evolution. Time-phasing also promotes the consideration of emerging technologies and the likelihood of current technologies and standards becoming obsolete. A Technical Architecture Profile constructed as part of a given architecture will be structured appropriately and in accordance with the purposes for which the architecture is being built. Typically, this will involve starting with one or more overarching reference models to which the system is subject and selecting from them the service areas relevant to the system. For example, since real-time operating system variants are outside the scope of a non-real-time system, real-time services would be dropped from further consideration. The identification of relevant services in service areas subsequently points to agreed-upon standards, to which appropriate options and parameters are applied to create a relevant subset for the system.
See also
Creating technical architecture views products