Architecting and designing > MODAF > Creating Acquisition Views products > Building AcV-2 Acquisition Programme diagrams > Setting pink as the default colour for the pre-first Milestone
Setting pink as the default colour for the pre-first Milestone
You can set the color of the Project timeline that is displayed before the first milestone to default to pink.
1 Open the diagram Property dialog box. With the AcV-2 diagram open, right-click the diagram workspace; then click Diagram Properties.
2 On the Behaviour tab, select Use pink as the default only for the pre-first milestone colour when not filtering.
Selecting this option sets pink as the color of the System Project line before the first milestone, unless you have set a color in the Pre-first Milestone Colour property in the System Project definition. This option is overridden if you have turned on the Milestones filtered by topmost project property.
See also
Building AcV-2 Acquisition Programme diagrams