Creating NSOV-4b Service State Model diagrams for NAF 3
In the Service State Model View, you specify the possible states a service may have, and the possible transitions between those states. Use the UML State diagram to draw the Service State Model.
1 Create a new State diagram. Right-click the Diagrams group of the Explorer (browser); then click New.
2 Name the diagram.
3 In the dialog box, specify the Package that the diagram belongs to, and the Class that the State model is describing.
4 Specify that the diagram is of stereotype NSOV-04b Service State Model by performing the following steps:
▪Open the Properties dialog box for the diagram. Right-click an empty area of the diagram workspace; then click Diagram Properties.
▪In the Stereotype property list, select NSOV-04b Service State Model.
▪Save the diagram and refresh the Explorer browser.
The following image shows an example of an SOV-04b diagram.