You can address symbols on diagrams with an Issue definition. By doing so, you are specifying what issues the model element represented by the symbol is addressing.
Raised by
Specify the Person that has raised the issue. In System Architect, you create a definition for each person, with the person’s name as the name of the definition.
Date raised
Enter a date in the format DD/MM/YYYY.
Issue type
Select an Issue Type from the list:
▪Course Materials
▪IBM website
▪Enterprise Architecture
▪Data Modelling
▪Process Modelling
▪Project Management
Select a Priority from the list:
Select a Risk from the Choices box, or add create a risk definition. In System Architect, you create a definition for each Risk.
Assigned to
Select a Person that the Issue is assigned to. In System Architect, you create a definition for each person, with the person’s name as the name of the definition.