Architecting and designing : TOGAF : Building deliverables for the TOGAF Architecture Development Method : Building deliverables for phase G: Implementation governance
Building deliverables for phase G: Implementation governance
In phase G of the TOGAF Architecture Development Method (ADM), you establish the Implementation Governance of the organization.
See the TOGAF documentation at:
Inputs to this phase
The System Architect inputs to this phase are the following artifacts:
Request for Architecture Work
Statement of Architecture Work
Solution building block
Impact analysis: Detailed Implementation and Migration Plan (including Architecture Implementation Contract, if appropriate).
For each implementation project, update the associated Impact Analysis definition with the following information:
In the Description field, document the scope of the implementation project, strategic requirements, rules for conformance, and timeline requirements.
On the Implementation Recommendations page, in the Issues section, document change requests by adding and defining individual issues.
The System Architect output of this phase is the following artifact:
A further developed Impact analysis