Order of SAPROPS.CFG and USRPROPS.TXT commands
The SAPROPS.CFG file is laid out as follows:
▪ LIST command section
▪ DIAGRAM command section
▪ SYMBOL command section
▪ DEFINITION command section
▪ CHAPTER command subsection
▪ GROUP command subsection
▪ PROPERTY command subsection
In general, the USRPROPS.TXT file is easiest to manage if you follow a similar layout, adding a RENAME command section, if used, to the top of the file as follows:
▪ RENAME command section
▪ LIST command section
▪ DIAGRAM command section
▪ SYMBOL command section
▪ DEFINITION command section
▪ CHAPTER command subsection
▪ GROUP command subsection
▪ PROPERTY command subsection
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