Installing : Installing System Architect : Post‑installation tasks : Explorer icons for definition types
Explorer icons for definition types
The System Architect installation folder contains a set of files that can be used as definitions types for Explorer icons. You can use these files when creating a new encyclopedia.
The Explorer icon definitions are located in the file, located in the installation folder. The file contains the icons presented by the Explorer for many definition types. Each file is a 16 x 16 bitmap with this name format:
For example, the bitmap for the Entity definition type is:
where the Class 3 is the Definition and Type 15 is the Entity.
Determine the Definition and Type number by using the Properties pane: select a definition in the Explorer, and then expand the Access Data tab.
The set of bitmap files can be changed to add your own custom definition and diagram types. Diagrams are class 1, for example: 1_0023.BMP.
When you create a new encyclopedia, the file is copied into the Files table of the encyclopedia. To change the bitmaps after an encyclopedia is created, use the System Architect Encyclopedia Manager (SAEM) to import the updated
Note Before changing the file in the installation directory, create a backup. The file contains a set of older icons and is not a backup of