Integrating : Integrating with IBM Rational Publishing Engine : Reports for System Architect integration with IBM Rational DOORS
Reports for System Architect integration with IBM Rational DOORS
System Architect provides IBM Rational Publishing Engine reports that gather and generate information across the System Architect integration with IBM Rational DOORS.
Runtime parameters let you create reports that show the links between Business Process symbols in System Architect and requirements in DOORS. The report help you understand the business processes modeled on a specific Business Process diagram, and the associated DOORS requirements.
The IBM Rational Publishing Engine features concurrent document generation to multiple formats from a single template. You can generate reports in Microsoft Word, Adobe PDF, HTML, and XSLfo formats. The tool creates composite reports from multiple data sources, and creates one report with data from different encyclopedias, or from different workspaces in a single encyclopedia.
Report location
The IBM Rational Publishing Engine reports for the System Architect integration with IBM Rational DOORS are in:
C:\Program Files\UNICOM Systems\System Architect Suite\System Architect\RPE Templates
Report names
SA Process and Doors Requirements.dta
Use this report with DOORS requirement modules that do not contain tables.
SA Process and Doors Requirements with tables.dta
Use this report with DOORS requirement modules with embedded tables. If some requirement sections do not have tables, the report outputs could show empty tables in Word documents, and thin lines in HTML or PDF files.