Integrating : Integrating with IBM Rational DOORS : System Architect side of the IBM Rational DOORS interface : Specifying properties of System Architect model artifacts to Send to IBM Rational DOORS
Specifying properties of System Architect model artifacts to Send to IBM Rational DOORS
You can port more than just one property (default is Description) of a System Architect model artifact to IBM Rational DOORS. You can choose what properties to send over, using an interface similar to the one where you select properties of an artifact in System Architect’s reporting system. This is performed as follows:
1 Open the definition dialog of the transfer unit that you have specified items to go to.
A transfer unit is a definition within System Architect that has a one-to-one correspondence with a IBM Rational DOORS surrogate module that it is sent to.
2 In the definition dialog of the transfer unit, click Property Picker to open a user interface that enables you to pick properties of the artifact to send to IBM Rational DOORS.