Integrating : Integrating with IBM Rational DOORS : System Architect side of the IBM Rational DOORS interface : Updating model artifacts in IBM Rational DOORS
Updating model artifacts in IBM Rational DOORS
Objects that have been sent to IBM Rational DOORS can be sent again as a batch. If the current internal list of objects waiting to be sent is empty, a new menu entry Tools, IBM Rational DOORS, Update IBM Rational DOORS is enabled. When selected, System Architect locates and locks all objects in the current encyclopedia that have previously been sent to IBM Rational DOORS and sends them to IBM Rational DOORS again.
1 Select Tools, IBM Rational DOORS, Update IBM Rational DOORS.
A dialog is displayed that contains the current IBM Rational DOORS module name.
2 Select OK.
The properties of each object are compared to the current values in the corresponding IBM Rational DOORS object and be updated if they are different.
System Architect creates a report describing the outcome for each object. Problem objects are listed first followed by successful transfers.
Upon completion of the update operation, the IBM Rational DOORS formal module is displayed with the SA Basic view loaded and a filter that lists only those objects that have been updated or marked as deleted in System Architect.