Integrating : Integrating with IBM Rational DOORS : System Architect side of the IBM Rational DOORS interface : Working with modules restored in IBM Rational DOORS in System Architect
Working with modules restored in IBM Rational DOORS in System Architect
Since System Architect stores module paths, the “Find in DOORS” feature can locate modules by their paths. This means that you do not need to convert the IDs in System Architect for the “Find in DOORS” feature to work.
Using the “Find in DOORS” feature with restored modules
The Find in DOORS functionality assumes that:
In IBM Rational DOORS, you used the Archive and Restore features.
Note Other backup and restore mechanisms are not supported.
In IBM Rational DOORS, you backed up or restored ALL the required modules and the linkset modules, and that this process was done by keeping both the requirements and the surrogate objects in the same project hierarchy. This is required so System Architect can archive a single project and to capture all the modules needed to support the project.
The paths and names of the modules containing the IBM Rational DOORS requirements and the System Architect artifacts (the System Architect Surrogate module) remain the same as in the source IBM Rational DOORS database.
To locate modules in IBM Rational DOORS after they have been restored, System Architect uses the following search criteria, in IBM Rational DOORS:
Search for module by ID. If the module is found by its ID, then the path is checked to determine if it matches. The result of this check determines the next action, as follows:
If the path matches, the module is used.
If the path does NOT match then search for a module by path.
If a module is found by path, then use the module with the path that matches.
If a module is NOT found by its path, then use the original module found by ID, based on the assumption that the path has changed.
If a module is not found by ID: search for the ID by path and return the item found.
Using the “Update from DOORS” feature with restored modules
Although no update of the module IDs is required to use the Find in DOORS feature, you cannot use the Send to DOORS or the Update DOORS functions on a restored DOORS module without first using the Update From DOORS feature. This behavior is by design.
Previously the Update From DOORS function brought in the IBM Rational DOORS links and objects into System Architect. In doing this, System Architect was able to correct the module IDs for DOORS objects. The function has also been extended to correct the SA DOORS Transfer definition with the new IBM Rational DOORS module ID and path.
To restore modules restored in IBM Rational DOORS in System Architect, proceed as follows
1 Restore the System Architect and IBM Rational DOORS databases. “Find in DOORS” works immediately with no conversions. However if you want to make changes, you must perform the additional steps that follow.
2 Click Tools > DOORS > Update from DOORS.
3 Select the modules to update, and then click OK.
System Architect now contains the updated IDs for all the modules and is ready to integrate with the modules same as before they were restored in IBM Rational DOORS.