Integrating : Integrating with IBM Rational DOORS : System Architect side of the IBM Rational DOORS interface : Viewing IBM Rational DOORS objects linked to model artifacts while in System Architect : Explorer view of diagrams and definitions
Explorer view of diagrams and definitions
In System Architect’s Explorer, a small orange triangle (or arrowhead) pointed toward the model artifact is displayed to its right, to denote that an incoming link from a IBM Rational DOORS object is attached to that model artifact. A purple triangle (or arrowhead) pointed away from the model artifact is displayed to the right of the artifact, to denote an outgoing link (to a IBM Rational DOORS object) is attached to the model artifact.
Incoming link denoted by orange, left-facing triangle
Outgoing link denoted by purple, right-facing triangle
Explorer view of symbols
Symbols are not shown in System Architect’s normal Explorer. However, symbols that have been linked to IBM Rational DOORS objects are shown on the DOORS tab within System Architect in green font with a pencil icon before them, and an incoming or outgoing link arrow head to their right.