Integrating : Integrating with IBM Rational DOORS : System Architect side of the IBM Rational DOORS interface : Viewing IBM Rational DOORS objects linked to model artifacts while in System Architect : What IBM Rational DOORS objects are viewable in System Architect
What IBM Rational DOORS objects are viewable in System Architect
Only directly linked IBM Rational DOORS objects are brought into System Architect. They are brought in as the definition type, DOORS Object. Other requirements/objects attached to the requirement linked to the System Architect artifact are not brought into System Architect. So for example, IBM Rational DOORS objects in Comment Modules, and so forth, are not brought into System Architect.
Properties of IBM Rational DOORS objects brought into System Architect
Synchronization causes a skeleton of only that DOORS information linked to System Architect artifacts to be brought into System Architect and stored in System Architect as a new definition type, DOORS Object. A default set of DOORS attributes are brought over: DOORS transfer unit, DOORS Module, DOORS ID, DOORS Created By, DOORS Created On, DOORS Created Thru, DOORS Last Modified On, DOORS Last Modified By, Object Heading, Object Short Text, and Object Text.