Integrating : Integrating with IBM Rational DOORS : System Architect side of the IBM Rational DOORS interface : Viewing IBM Rational DOORS objects linked to model artifacts while in System Architect : Finding IBM Rational DOORS Objects in DOORS from System Architect
Finding IBM Rational DOORS Objects in DOORS from System Architect
You can select a System Architect model artifact with a DOORS object attached to it, navigate to that IBM Rational DOORS object listed in System Architect, and choose to “Find in DOORS”, which will find the object in DOORS. Focus will be changed to IBM Rational DOORS and the object will be highlighted or presented to the user.
Note In actual use there can be multiple projects in the IBM Rational DOORS database. The System Architect link has to have IBM Rational DOORS open, and also the correct project must be open in order to find the specific System Architect module. Programs can have multiple deliverables/blocks as such this link allows the user to create multiple System Architect modules in IBM Rational DOORS to account for different deliverables. Then if an System Architect object is linked in multiple modules, something like selecting which “child” diagram from multiple children should be opened could be used here.