Here is an example of the Select Properties to Print dialog:
Areas, input fields, and buttons in Select Properties to Print dialog
Available properties
Lists all valid property values (for the class [Definition, Symbol, Diagram]) displayed in the dialog name to include it as a field in your report.
Properties to print (in order)
Lists all the properties you want to print in for this report. The order of the property in the list (first, second, third, and so on) is important since this order is used to sort the report information.
Type the name you want to print as a column label instead of the name displayed.
Label alignment
Click one radio button to elect to print a column label and if so, where to position it.
Label font
Click Change to display the Font dialog where you modify the typeface of the column label selected in the Properties to Print (in Order) list.
Property font
Click Change to display the Font dialog where you modify the typeface of the fields for the property selected in the Properties to Print (in Order) list.
Property width
Type a number such as, 1.00 (an inch) to indicate how wide the column should be. Inches or centimeters may be used.
Properties to Sort (Major to Minor)
These fields provide support for the ORDERBY command, which controls the sequence of the output of a report. The Reporting System uses the first field name listed as its major sort field; the second field as a minor sort field. There must be at least one field selected for sorting and this is enforced by the user interface.
▪Place a check mark in the Sort field to determine which properties to sort by. The Sort items are always on top.
▪When adding or removing properties in the Properties to print (in order) field it will be reflected in the Property field.
▪Use the Sort Up and Sort Down buttons to organize them as Major or Minor.
▪Specify if any of the properties should be sorted in Descending order. This can be achieved by use of the DESC sub-keyword in the report file.
▪Specify if any of the properties should be sorted as Case Insensitive. This can be achieved by use of the IGNORECASE sub-keyword in the report file.
Select All button
Click this button to move the selected properties in the direction of the arrow. The arrow’s direction points to the opposite list. For example, if your selection is from the Available Properties list, the Select All arrow points to the Properties to Print (in Order) list and the reverse is true.
This button is grayed-out (not available) unless properties are selected.
Deselect All button
Click this button to clear the selected properties in the list pointed to by the arrow. The list the arrow is pointing to is cleared.
Note This button is grayed-out (not available) unless properties are selected.
Add >> button
Click this button to move the selected properties in the direction of the arrow. The arrow’s direction points to the opposite list. For example, if your selection is from the Properties to Print (in Order) list, the Select All >> arrow points the Available Properties list and the reverse is true.
Note This button is grayed-out (not available) unless properties are selected.
Remove button
Click this button to move the selected properties back to the list indicated by the direction of the arrow. The arrow’s direction points to the opposite list. For example, if your selection is from the Available Properties list, the Remove >> arrow points to the Properties to Print (in Order) list and the reverse is true.
Note This button is grayed-out (not available) unless properties are selected.
Sort Up and Sort Down buttons
Click to move the item selected in the Properties to print (in order) one step up the list or click to move the item selected one step down the list.
Note The position of the property in the list is directly related to how items are sorted. Items at the top of the list are the primary sort items. Items lower in the list are sorted within the primary sort category. For example, if name is first and then number, the report prints all numbers within a name.