‘References Diagrams’, -Symbols, -Definitions are included in the list of relations for the second level onwards. Likewise for ‘Referenced By...’.
Once such an option is selected, pressing the Where button will cause the user to be asked if the references/referencedby properties are to be edited. Replying Yes will cause a dialog to appear which shows properties in the ‘label <-- property’ format seen in other reporting dialogs. There is a list of available properties and selected properties with Add and Remove buttons to effect changes. Both are sorted. There is a splitter bar which can be moved to aid navigation by making the thumb-bar on the scrollbar larger.
Properties for the references relation are sourced from the level before the references relation, and those for referencedby are sourced from the level at which the relation is specified.
Having made a selection, the selected properties are shown in the Edit <report name> dialog:
The types chosen in the prior level and those chosen in the same level as the chosen references/referencedby relation will constrain the list of properties presented and will also make the report more efficient to run.
The list of chosen properties and types are cleared on switching between ‘References’ and ‘Referenced by’.
The list of chosen properties is not cleared on changing selected types, but the list of available properties is updated, thus the user can be left with a report that will not find records but it is still valid. Editing the references/referencedby properties will show only the appropriate properties.
The user is reminded to select properties for the references/referencedby clause on pressing either Generate or OK if no properties have been selected.