Example 3: 1-level main with multi-level subreport
Here is what happens if we return to the original report and add a level to the first subreport.
The only changes to the subreport besides the name are in bold:
REPORT "Subreport: OV-03 Need Lines Working - PerformerSource followed by another level" ID 52514 { FONT "Font4" { NAME "Courier" HEIGHT 12 } SETTING { DECIMALSEPARATOR "." } SETTING { LISTSEPARATOR "," } SETTING { MEASUREMENT ENGLISH } SETTING { PAGESIZE -1", 0.00 }
SELECT "Name" LEGEND "Performer Source" LEGENDFONT Font4, "Type" LEGEND "Performer Type" WHERE Class = Definition WHERE "Type Number" = 1372, 1373, 1374, 1367, 1375, 1376, 1377 REM "Performer Source" ORDERBY "Name"
The main report was duplicated and the new subreport name referenced.
The 2ndPerformer Type column has been excluded from this snapshot.
The Relation, Related and Related Id columns now appear before the columns of the 2nd subreport:
This also demonstrates what happens if a subreport presents more rows than the invoking report.
The provided comparison report that does not use subreports, but has the same execution structure, obtains the same information except for ov-02_NL3 which is missing because it has no source: