By default, the fields specified by the SELECT command immediately following a JOIN command, or a series of JOIN commands, are printed indented from the left margin as shown in this figure.
The default value for the indentation at each series of JOIN commands is 1/2 inch. This default value can be changed by using the INDENT subcommand in a SETTING command.
INDENT subcommand structure
The structure of this statement is:
SETTING { INDENTnumeric-inches }
The numeric-inches identifier specifies the indentation from the previous left-hand margin. This is specified in inches, having up to two decimal places. For example, if the indentation is 1 inch, the information printed after the first series of JOIN commands is set 1 inch from the left margin, the information printed after the second series of JOIN commands is set 2 inches from the left margin, and the information printed after the third series of JOIN commands is set 3 inches from the left margin.
The indentation following a JOIN statement is not dependent on the number of JOIN commands between SELECT command statements, only the presence of one or more JOIN statements. The default indentation is 1/2 inch whether there is one JOIN statement or six JOIN statements between the SELECT statements.
Note The INDENT subcommand can only be placed in a report in text mode. For more information, see Edit <report name> – Text Mode dialog. This function is not supported by the Report Editor.