Using the text mode Report Editor requires you type the SQL-like commands (including any subcommands or subcommand qualifiers) required to create a working report.
Note Five of the pre-written reports must be edited using the Text Editor.
Areas, input fields, and buttons in Edit Text Mode dialog
Edit workspace
The Text Editor workspace is where you identify the report name and its description. This workspace is also where you type the SQL-like commands and sub-commands that comprise the database query. Essentially, this dialog enables you to modify the report block, local definition block, and the level specification block instructions for a report.
Note The global definition block must be edited using a third-party text editor such as, Microsoft Notepad or Microsoft Wordpad.
Draft button
This button provides a screen preview of the current report in a draft format without sending it to the printer.
Note The preview will display the report text in a default COURIER font. This means some columns may overlap in the draft preview, while printing out properly, due to possible font spacing differences.
Print button
Use this button to display the Print <report name> dialog (see Choices for printing a report) where you direct the formatted report output to the printer or to a designated file.