Reporting : Native reporting system : Reporting system command language : KEYLENGTH subcommand
KEYLENGTH subcommand
The KEYLENGTH subcommand, when used in the ROW command statement within a matrix report specification, indicates the maximum number of characters that is printed for a row heading; additional characters are truncated. The following is an example of the ROW command:
ROW Name
LEGEND "Title"
FONT Small
FONT Small
In this example, the name- and type- values are printed as row headings. The columns that contain the name- and type- values are a total of 2.5 inches wide; 1.5 inches are allotted for the name field, and 1 inch is provided for the type field. The headings Title and Type appear at the top of the column containing the row headings. Title is specified by the LEGEND subcommand to override the default Name heading; Type is a default heading. The name- and type- values are both printed in the user-defined font called Small; this font must be defined by a FONT command in either a global definition block or a local definition block. If a name-value is greater than 20 characters, or a type-value is greater than 15 characters, it is truncated at the number of characters specified by the individual KEYLENGTH command.
Parent topic
Reporting system command language