SA Publisher for web generation : System Architect Publisher : Preparing reports
Preparing reports
System Architect Publisher uses reports that are created with System Architect’s reporting system. Design the initial report with the System Architect reporting system. After you have run a draft of the report and are satisfied with the output, you must change the report code so that it will work with System Architect Publisher.
Note After you change a report with a text editor, you will not be able to open it in the reporting system. You must ensure that a report generates the correct information before changing it in a text editor.
To prepare a report
1 In the System Architect reporting system (select Reports > Report Generator), set the Report Type to XML.
Alternatively, open the report in text edit mode, and add this code to the top of the report:
2 Open a report in a text editor by doing one of the following:
In System Architect reporting system, select Report > Text Edit Report
Open the report file in a text editor (such as Notepad)
In System Architect Publisher, access the textual code for a report in its Specify Reports tab. Right‑click the in the Available Reports list, and then click Edit.
3 Add the following code wherever a class and type is declared, if only one item is to be reported:
WHERE "Identity" = "SWGDDID"
For example:
SELECT "Name" LEGEND "Invisible", SAUsrProps, "Description"
WHERE Class = Definition
WHERE Type = "Package"
WHERE "Identity" = "SWGDDID"
-- This statement must come after the WHERE clause
SUBREPORT "Package Parent Package" {}
SUBREPORT "Package Contains Sub Packages" {}
SUBREPORT "Package Contained Diagrams" {}
4 Delete all lines that specify an output file (OUTPUTFILE) and an XML stylesheet (STYLESHEETFILE) that the user interface added.
REPORT "Package Report"
ID 60324
SETTING { PAGESIZE -1", 0.00 }
SETTING { HEADER 1 "Class Definition" }
SETTING { TRAILER 1 "as of ", "date", Page ", "#pg#" }
-- Has to be set to REPORTFORMAT of '4' to enable XML output
SETTING { OUTPUTFILE "C:\Program Files\UNICOM Systems\output\default.htm" } -- Remove this item.
SETTING { STYLESHEETFILE "C:\Program Files\UNICOM Systems\System Architect Suite\System Architect\Reports\Stylesht\Default.xsl" } -- Remove this item.
FIELD "Description <-- Description" { SOURCE PROPERTY "Description" LENGTH 1200 TYPE MEMO LEGEND "Description" }
SELECT "Name" LEGEND "Invisible", SAUsrProps, "Description <-- Description"
WHERE Class = Definition
WHERE Type = "Package"
WHERE "Identity" = "SWGDDID"
5 To specify that a diagram report should generate the diagram the SVG format, you must add the DIAGRAM command to the report.
REPORT "Diagram Report"
ID 38458
SETTING { PAGESIZE -1", 0.00 }
SETTING { HEADER 1 "Diagram Report" }
FIELD "Linked Documents <-- Linked Documents" { SOURCE PROPERTY "Linked Documents" LENGTH 1200 TYPE MEMO LEGEND "Linked Documents" }
FIELD "Description" { SOURCE PROPERTY "Description" LENGTH 4074 TYPE MEMO }
SELECT "Name", SAUsrProps
WHERE Class = Diagram
WHERE "Identity" = "SWGDDID"
SUBREPORT "Parent Diagram" { }
WHERE RELATION = "contains"
SELECT "Name", SAUsrProps
WHERE Class = Symbol
SUBREPORT "Child Diagrams" { }
WHERE RELATION = "defined by"
SELECT "Name", "Linked Documents <-- Linked Documents", SAUsrProps
WHERE Class = Definition
SELECT "Name", SAUsrProps, "Description"
WHERE Class = Definition
WHERE Type = "Hyperlink"
Save any changes to the report files in the “Specify System Architect Reports” folder.
Note SVG means Scalable Vector Graphic format. Diagrams in the SVG format enable you to zoom in and out, just as you can in System Architect. You can also search for text in the diagrams. To view SVG files, install the Adobe SVG viewer.
See also
Report types
Website template design files
System Architect Publisher