In version 9 of System Architect the concept of a network lock file does not exist with respect to Microsoft SQL server encyclopedias.
To ensure some form of exclusive use of the encyclopedia in order to avoid locking and collisions issues, two new functions were implemented: CriticalRegion and AccessDefinition.
The following sequences of code in Microsoft Visual Basic Application macros should be replaced, wherever possible, by calls to AccessDefinition (described below) with the appropriate directive flags.
▪CreateDefinition (where FindDefinition is not preceding it)
Any block of code relying on the fact that it had exclusive access to the encyclopedia (by locking it) and has modified records without locking them first, must be altered so that a lock is placed on the record before modifying it (OpenLockDefinition) and a call to CloseDefinition is present.
If after replacing the above types there are still sequences remaining, they should be bounded by a Critical Region.
Perform a full analysis of the Microsoft Visual Basic Application code before any changes are made.