Using the System Architect XT diagramming interface
The diagram options (for supported types) in System Architect XT are the same as those in System Architect. This is a browser-based user interface, in System Architect XT. You can update encyclopedia repositories with System Architect XT, provided your role in the encyclopedia (controlled by System Architect Catalog Manager) permits you to log in as an Updater.
The image shows a Business Process diagram (Reservations – Process Reservation Request, in Samples encyclopedia).
Toolbar buttons
Top Toolbar buttons
Mode selection
Affects availability of symbol tools and content of definition editors. Press the Apply Mode button after selecting a mode.
Undo / Redo
Zoom in / out
Restore original zoom
If no selection or zoom to selection – that is, node(s) or line(s).
Zoom percentage
Zoom to percentage, use ... option to specify precise value.
Symbol Depictions
Cycles loaded depictions. Click in whitespace once to see an updated state for all symbols.
Note Only Internet Explorer is known to support Windows metafiles.
Symbol Alignment
These tools can be used to align node symbols. Select more than one node symbol to make them available.
Note The X button closes the current diagram. You will be prompted as to whether the diagram is saved. You will not be logged out of System Architect XT when you close a diagram.
This Toolbar displays generic drawing tools and those that are specific to the type of diagram being drawn (for example, Business Process diagram, as shown in the image above).
For items with stereotypes, you must pick one of the stereotype options after dropping down the list in order for it to become the selected symbol drawing tool.
Some keys work differently from standard Windows applications. Multiple symbol selections are made by holding down the Control (Ctrl) key.
Support for representationally consistent diagrams
Excluding hierarchical diagrams, and the older Object Oriented and Logical and Physical Data Models, representationally consistent diagrams can be created and edited using the SAXT Diagram Editor.
Functionality restrictions:
▪The Refresh for representational consistency works as it does in System Architect:
▪It adds missing lines with the proper end indicators and, in the case of implicit lines, property labels.
▪Any improper lines are removed.
▪Any nodes or explicit relationship lines that no longer have a supporting definition are removed.
▪Lines can be created and deleted, and their connections changed from one node to another. This is dependent on certain data which is loaded after the diagram appears. The line drawing options appear when these operations can be performed. A prompt will appear on drawing an explicit relationship line if a definition already exists. Similarly, a confirmation appears on attempting to remove an explicit relationship line because this triggers definition deletion. Since there can be cases where a definition type will not support certain connections, a message will appear to explain this occurrence and any new line is removed or an existing line will be returned to its old position. Lines may only be added, modified or deleted when a refresh is not in progress, to avoid confusion, since that process can update lines.
▪Definitions will be updated based on changing box-in-box arrangement of node symbols where the diagram supports implicit relationships representing embeddedby relationships. As in System Architect, this is actioned only when the Auto-populate implicit relationships diagram property is ticked.