Integrating : Focal Point® and the Rational solution for Collaborative Lifecycle Management : Business case scenarios : Elaborating requirements and tracking the status
Elaborating requirements and tracking the status
High-level business needs are proposed in Focal Point®. To get a better idea of what it means to implement them, elaborate the next level of requirements and get more accurate sizing before finalizing the project scope. The implementation team must collaborate in this activity.
Before you begin
You must configure the integration between Focal Point® and Rational Requirements Composer
Configure Focal Point® as an OSLC consumer in CLM applications.
Configure Focal Point® as an OSLC provider in CLM applications.
About this task
Ensure that the business aspects are adequately understood by those elaborating the requirements
Ensure that there is traceability between the high-level business need and the requirements
Collect data such as cost and estimates that can be custom attributes based on the Rational Requirements Composer artifacts to inform further business planning decisions.
Align requirement elaboration activity with the business strategy
The scenarios are designed to help you understand the process of working with the integrations and highlights various techniques that can be used while implementing the integrations in a scenario.
1 Prioritize the business needs and define the project scope
2 Publish business needs as requirements into Rational Requirements Composer
3 Elaborate requirements and preview linked Focal Point® business needs
4 Fetch the status and view the progress of the requirements
5 Align requirements based on the business strategy
6 Expand the project scope
See also
Business case scenarios