Integrating : Focal Point® and the Rational solution for Collaborative Lifecycle Management : Integrating with the Requirements Management application : Bulk linking and creating requirements for linked elements by publishing data in a CLM application
Bulk linking and creating requirements for linked elements by publishing data in a CLM application
Video: How to bulk link and create requirements for linked elements by publishing data in a CLM application
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In Focal Point®, you can create and link to requirements that correspond to elements in a bulk operation. You can handle many elements in one operation instead of publishing elements one by one.
Before you begin
In a view that shows projects with linked elements, configure a view command for publishing data and associating links. For more information, see Adding view commands for bulk operations on artifacts in Rational solution for Collaborative Lifecycle Management applications.
You must have a user account in the CLM application.
To publish elements to the Rational solution for CLM applications version 4.0, you must add this parameter: parameter
to this file:
CLM_install_folder/server/conf/rm(context path)
Make sure to set this property even after you reinstall Rational solution for CLM.
You can skip this step for Rational solution for CLM applications version 5.0 as they do not have the file.
Restriction If the combined length of the characters for the Title and Description attributes exceed 2000 characters, when creating artifacts on the Rational solution for CLM applications, you must copy the content of the Title and Description to the title and description fields of artifact manually.
About this task
You might link requirements to business need elements in a project. The requirements are added to a project area in the Requirements Management (RM) application in the Rational solution for Collaborative Lifecycle Management (CLM).
1 Open the project view that has a view command for creating requirements.
2 Select the element that links to the elements to create requirements for.
3 Click the Create artifacts and associate the links to the CLM server icon Publish requirementsto create and link to the requirements.
If the login page of the RM application is displayed, log on by using your RM application credentials.
4 On the “Element selection” page, make these selections:
From the Attribute where the CLM servers were configured list, select the Integration Link attribute in which to store the link to the CLM artifact.
From the Allowed project areas list, select the project areas to store the links in.
When configuring the Integration link attribute, only the project areas that are mapped to a member group are listed in Allowed project areas. If you are not part of a member group that is mapped to the project area, that project area is not available for you.
Select the elements to create and link requirements for by clicking the Add and Remove buttons, and then click Next.
5 On the New Requirement page, specify the attributes for the requirements. A new page is displayed for each requirement unless you select the check box for using the currently configured attributes for all new artifacts. Click OK.
The result is shown on the Bulk Publishing Result page. You can click the link of a requirement to open it in the RM application.
See also
Adding and configuring attributes for storing links to artifacts in the Rational solution for Collaborative Lifecycle Management applications
Configuring project area associations
Bulk linking and creating work items for linked elements by publishing data in a CLM application
Integrating with the Requirements Management application