Integrating : Focal Point® and reporting tools : Creating report templates by using Rational Publishing Engine Document Studio
Creating report templates by using Rational Publishing Engine Document Studio
Before you generate IBM Rational Publishing Engine reports in Focal Point®, you must download the report XSD from Focal Point® and author a report template in Rational Publishing Engine.
Before you begin
Install Rational Publishing Engine Document Studio and author a report template. You must have a separate license for authoring templates in Rational Publishing Engine. You can install Rational Publishing Engine on the same server as Focal Point®. Important: When you upload the Rational Publishing Engine template to Focal Point®, make sure that you use fonts that are in the Focal Point® server. Otherwise, the reports might not be displayed correctly.
In Focal Point®, create a display view based on the elements in the module.
1 In Focal Point®, click Application > Login Page > Login or Balance URL. Note the server name.
2 Download the Focal Point® report XSD.
For the generic XML data source, go to:
For a Focal Point® REST data source, select the URL to the appropriate module. For example:
3 Import the Focal Point® schema to Rational Publishing Engine.
In Rational Publishing Engine Document Studio, click Data > Add Data Source Schema. Click Next in the wizard.
In Schema type field, select REST.
In Schema file field, click Browse and select the path to the Focal Point® XSD and click Next. A window to authenticate the user is displayed.
Provide the authentication required to connect to the Focal Point® server and click OK.
Validate the information, and then click Finish.
4 In Rational Publishing Engine Document Studio, create a template file that is based on the Focal Point® XSD. For more information, see URL link icon Authoring templates with Document Studio in the IBM Knowledge Center.
5 Generate the report after creating the report template. For more information, see URL link icon Generating a document with the document generation wizard in the IBM Knowledge Center.
What to do next
Add the file as a report template in Focal Point®. For more information, see Adding report templates
See also
Supported attributes in Rational Publishing Engine
Setting up and generating reports workflow
URL link icon Integrate Focal Point® with Rational Publishing Engine for effective reporting
Extracting a report using report integration
Focal Point® and reporting tools