Managing products and portfolios : Prioritizing elements and criteria : Analyzing element consistency : Troubleshoot the Prioritize menu
Troubleshoot the Prioritize menu
You cannot always pairwise compare elements and criteria. The following table contains situations in which you might not be able to use a feature of the Prioritize menu and the steps that you can take troubleshoot issues.
The view to prioritize is not listed in the Prioritize menu
Click the Settings icon Settings icon, and then, from the Configure group, click Views. Change the prioritize attribute for the view.
You might have selected a view with less than two elements
Add elements or change the view definition of the view so that it contains at least two elements.
You might not have criteria in the module
Click Modules > Criteria, and add criteria.
The Criteria view for the Element view does not specify criteria
Add criteria or change the view definition of the Criteria view.
The only available criteria are estimate and sum, and these criteria are not listed in the Pairwise Comparisons frame
Add Public or Private criteria.
When you select a view from the navigation bar, the message “The view definition is not valid” is displayed
Click the Settings icon Settings icon, and then, from the Configure group, click Views. Update the View Definition attribute of the view.
See also
The Priorities algorithm
Priority overview
Prioritizing elements and criteria
Analyzing element consistency