Administering : Managing business rules and expressions : Business rules definitions : MatrixNPV business rule
MatrixNPV business rule
You can use the MatrixNPV business rule to calculate the net present value of a row in a matrix. The result is displayed in the business rule container attribute. If the values in the row change, the NPV is automatically updated.
A matrix attribute that triggers the business rule
A business rule container to enter the business rule
In the business rule container attribute for an element, enter the business rule in this format:
The matrix attribute on which the business rule is triggered.
The range of the cells for a row in a matrix. For example, A1:C1.
The rate represented by a reference to an attribute where the rate is stored, or as a number in decimal or percentage format.
From a Financial matrix attribute, to calculate the NPV for a matrix that spans the cells from A10 to D12, with the rate of 0.05 (or 5%) of investment, use:
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Business rules definitions