Managing products and portfolios : Configuring attributes : Adding or removing attributes from views
Adding or removing attributes from views
You can specify whether attributes are visible, editable, or hidden in a view.
Complete the following steps to add or remove an attribute from a view:
1 Click the Settings icon Settings icon, and then, from the Configure group, click Attributes.
2 Click the module that contains the attribute to add or remove.
3 For the attribute, click the Set Access icon set access icon.
A list of the views for the selected module is displayed.
4 (Optional) Copy access details from another attribute.
You can set the access level for the selected attribute to match the access level of another attribute in all views. This option is useful if there are a large number of views, and the access levels of attributes are different in different views.
5 Select the views in which the attribute must be editable, visible, or neither.
Using the drop-down menu, you can set the access level for the selected attribute to match the access level of another attribute in all views. This option is useful if there are a large number of views, and the access levels of attributes are different in different views.
If the attribute is set to Editable or Visible, an administrator can specify if the attribute must be included or excluded from any global or private filters that are based on that view. Even when the administrator has excluded an attribute from a private filter, the owner of that filter can include that attribute. The access settings that you specify for the private filters are retained only until you click the Set Access icon again. The setting for the private filter defaults to None when you click the Set Access icon.
6 Click Update Views.
The views are updated.
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Attribute settings
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Configuring attributes